Tuesday, November 16, 2010

For The Love of God...

... Who does this guy think he is?

Where do I begin with this?

This man clearly doesn't take magic seriously. From what I gather, to him, magic (Sorry, "Goshpel Illushionshs") is merely a gimmick to "illustrate God's truth"... mediocre effects that he makes sure EVERYBODY knows is "just a trick".

I mean, my God... half of his advice in this little video contradicts his intentions! He makes a point to tell us to "practice practice practice!" and gives us excuses as to why we can't repeat a trick (The one about the batteries running low is going straight into my act, let me tell you). So, we're going to practice our magic to make it deceptive? Why should deceptiveness even matter when you're trying so hard to make your magic NOT look like magic.

This guy is everything wrong with our art. In the video, he advises us to "pray about magic". I think that's the one legitimately sound piece of advice the man has.

Nice shirt, by the way.

(Thanks to Roland's "Weekly Magic Failure" blog for bringing this video to the attention of the world. I just wanted to share my own thoughts on it.)

1 comment:

  1. Seriously.... :( I wish I was not ashamed to admit that I share this guys beliefs about God, but I must say that I am. Not because of what we believe but because of how terribly he did this video.

    I see where he is coming from with the "Gospel Illusions" rule, there are many churches that are not open to magic, but are open to illusion. (Thank God (seriously) I'm in a church that doesn't mind "magic".)

    His line about a 10 year old came from a respected magican by the name of Andre Kole (http://www.andrekole.org/), and used properly, it is a good one.

    This is laughable. Here is a link to a video of a teenager using Gypsy Tread to present the message this guy is trying to tell us to present. Does he follow any of our friend's rules? If he does, he certainly deserves much more credit than John Louis.
