Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Attack of the YouTube Magicians

Okay, before someone else says it, full disclosure here... I myself am a YouTube magician. I have an existing YouTube Channel with nearly 60 videos uploaded of me performing magic, acting, etc. Perhaps this fact will also add credibility to my argument here.

What the HELL is with music in magic videos? I don't particularly appreciate clicking on a magic video only to have heavy metal blasted in my face. To you, the YouTube Magician who films his magic with awful music in the background, I ask a question... What do you do in the real world? Do you carry a stereo or iPod docking station around for when someone asks to see a card trick? My guess is no. And if you do, what the heck is your problem? It would take much less effort to come up with some decently engaging patter as opposed to carrying around a 10 pound sound system when you're "on da streets yo".

To those who DON'T use music during your Biddle Trick for a live audience... what DO you do? Do you perform in complete silence? Please don't tell me you just narrate your actions, stuttering every friggin' word that comes out of your mouth. Even silence would be better than that. How do you ever expect to be considered entertaining. Let's be real here... a lot of magic is only mindly entertaining on it's own. You aren't going to have people clammering to see you do magic in your school halls if you JUST do the trick. PERFORM for God's sake... magic is a performance art. It's so simple. Without it, magic is just a puzzle, and quite frankly, boring in many cases. Nobody is going to CARE that you can make a signed card rise to the top of the deck repeatedly unless you give them reason to care. That, my friends, is what seperates the men from the boys.

Anyways, I suppose I'm digressing a bit. Why post a YouTube video of Twisting The Aces unless you give me reason to? I'm not going to sit and watch a video where a guy makes cards turn over as I get deafened by the Linkin Park soundtrack. Perform it for me. That's what magic is meant to be. It astonishes me how many people are unable to grasp this concept.

YouTube is great. I personally love posting magic videos... they are good for critiquing in terms of my performance, technique, and other finer points. But I really don't see any other purpose for magic than that. If you're just going to use your webcam to shoot a heavy metal music video with a poorly executed Cutting The Aces effect, the fact of the matter is that magic just isn't for you. You clearly have no interest in performing.

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